Ειπα να δοκιμασω τις μεταφρασεις του γκουγκλ και γω ο φτωχος. Κοιταχτε πως διαβαζει ενας αγγλοφωνος ενα τυπικο κειμενο μας:
Recently I had the misfortune to fly with Olympic Aviation for Germany. [ως εδω μια χαρα] I say misfortune because each traveler with little experience avoids the Olympic as the devil in holy water [χαχα αυτο ακουγεται σαν κινεζικη παροιμια].
At the time, went on the plane was obviously hired by Hungarian company, in gyrismo from petty ftinometaforea [ε? ε? τρομερη μεταφραση!] Spanish Hola Airlines
With this Olympic behavior not only shows tremendous disrespect to the Greeks customers (not not know Hungarian most [αυτο μου θυμιζει το μυθικο triple negative: “is it not true that the water is not not undrinkable?”] ), not only our xeftilizei even more (to enjoy the “national airline” you [αυτο θυμιζει Μπορατ στα καλα του] ) but embarking on a very dangerous path.
Το κειμενο συνεχιζει με παρομοιο χιουμορ και ασυναρτησιες…