Θρησκεια και εξωγηινοι

Διαβασα ενα τρομερο κομματι (ή μαλλον 3) περι θρησκειας απο τον Αρθουρ Κλαρκ στο μυθιστορημα Fountains of Paradise και τα παραθετω αυτουσια.

‘While the different religions wrangle with one another as to which of them is in possession of the truth, in our view the truth of religion may be altogether disregarded. . . . If one attempts to assign to religion its place in man’s evolution, it seems not so much to be a lasting acquisition, as a parallel to the neurosis which the civilized individual must pass through on his way from childhood to maturity.’

Sigmund Freud
New Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis, 1932

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